In Depth Guide On How To Detox And Cleanse Your Body

(Disclaimer: Detoxing and cleansing should not be done while pregnant or breastfeeding because you could expose your child to the toxins you’re resurfacing which can be very harmful to them)

There’s a lot of info in this guide so I want to start by giving you an overview of all the steps of detoxing/cleansing:

  • Step 1: Understanding Why Detoxing And Cleansing Is So Important For Your Health
  • Step 2: Understanding What Your Detox/Drainage Pathways Are?
  • Step 3: Opening Your Drainage Pathways
  • Step 4: Creating A Customized Regular Detoxing Routine
  • Step 5: Incorporate Deep Cleanses 2-4x A Year

I will dig into each one of these topics in depth below.

Step 1: Understanding Why Detoxing And Cleansing Is So Important For Your Health

Now a days we are exposed to so many toxins, much more than our ancestors were. We’re exposed to:

  • Heavy Metals
  • Xenoestrogens / endocrine disrupters
  • EMFs
  • Parasites
  • Pathogens
  • Mold
  • Fluoride
  • Air pollution
  • Chemicals
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Free radicals
  • And more!

These are common in:

  • Tap water
  • Plastic (even bpa free ones)
  • Receipts
  • Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs
  • Fragrances (in candles, perfumes, detergents, and more)
  • Flame Retardants (in clothes, furniture, mattresses, and in the air)
  • Processed foods
  • Some supplements
  • Vegetable oils
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Personal care products (toothpaste, face wash, hairspray, mouth wash, deodorant, sunscreen, etc.)
  • Cleaning products
  • Soaps, laundry detergent, and dishwashing soap
  • Cookware (nonstick + aluminum + vegetable oil seasoned pans)
  • Phone, bluetooth, airpods, wifi, and cell towers
  • Fat and bones from unhealthy animals
  • Toxins produced by pathogenic microbes in the gut
  • Microwaves
  • Non-organic food
  • Clothes (made from synthetic materials or sprayed with chemicals)
  • Old moldy homes
  • New homes made with toxin materials
  • Synthetic hormones in birth control or medication
  • Vaccines
  • City air

Detoxing and cleansing is how we get rid of these toxins! If our detoxing systems (particularly drainage, which I’ll talk about later) are not working properly, we end up storing these toxins in our body. Over time this toxin build up leads to dysfunction in the body systems and eventually disease.

A few examples:

  • Xenoestrogens and endocrine disrupters (in things like plastic, soy, cleaning products, and beauty products) can throw off hormonal balance, lead to weight gain, and decrease fertility. (more info on xenoestrogens in this article) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  • Free radicals in things like vegetable oils can clog arteries, cause cardio vascular disease, inhibit fat loss, and damage metabolism. (6, 7)
  • Parasites can eat our nutrients and lead to nutrient deficiencies, can create blockages in the intestines preventing bowel movements, can cause unhealthy weight loss or weight gain, can increase sugar cravings, can cause fatigue and headaches, can cause insomnia, and so much more. (8, 9, 10)
  • The toxins in tap water can lead to cancer, decreases IQ, autism, organ damage and disease, hormonal and fertility issues, immune dysfunction, bone weakness, DNA damage, gut damage, gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers, developmental harm, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, neurotoxicity, depression, Celiacs, autoimmune disease, Parkinson’s, heart attacks, lymphoma, acne, skin issue, and more! (more info on toxins in tap water in this article)
  • Glyphosate (aka Round Up) can cause leaky gut, open the blood brain barrier, cause joint pain, autoimmune disease, autism, cancer, reproductive issues, hormonal imbalance hypothyroidism, and more!
  • Overall toxin build up can lead to cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic illness, headaches, fatigue, skin issues, digestive and gut problems, brain fog, weight gain or difficulty losing weight, joint pain, insomnia, decreased fertility, hormonal imbalances, colds and flus, and more. (8, 9, 10)

Cleansing and detoxing is not about doing some fad juice cleanse, it’s an ancient practice that has been done by many cultures to keep the body healthy, prevent stagnation of energy and toxins, and to prevent disease.

It’s an incredibly useful tool for our health. Many people eat healthy, exercise, and live generally healthy lives yet still suffer from headaches, fatigue, skin issues, gut problems, auto-immune issues, joint pain, trouble sleeping, and more.

In this case toxin overload is often the root cause of these issues or at least some of them. By focusing on opening drainage pathways and incorporating regular detoxing and cleansing into our lives we can treat the root cause of many of our undesired symptoms and unlock a higher level of health.

Step 2: Understanding What Your Detox/Drainage Pathways Are?


Your body’s primary method of detoxing is focused around a drainage funnel. At the top of the funnel you have cells which flows into organs and tissues which flows into your lymphatic system which flows into liver and bile ducts which finally flows into your colon and all the toxins are eliminated in your bowel movements. (8, 9, 10, 11)

Much like a funnel, if any of these pathways are blocked, nothing upstream can flow and therefore can’t be eliminated.

Making sure all your drainage pathways are clear and supporting optimal drainage is the first step in cleansing. Since before you start bringing up stored toxins, you wanna make sure you’ll be able to eliminate them.

If your drainage pathways aren’t open when you detox, these resurfacing toxins will make you feel sick and cause rashes, headaches, fatigue and other undesired symptoms. This is known as a HERX reaction.

You also want to start at the bottom of the funnel and work your way up to ensure that every time you open a pathway it will be able to fully eliminate toxins. So you start with the colon.

Colon Drainage

You should be pooping at least 1x a day, if not more. If you aren’t, the elimination of all the toxins in your body is delayed. When this happens your stools sit in your colon for too long and some of the toxins you’re trying to get rid of, get reabsorbed into the body.

Symptoms of Blocked/Inhibited Colon Drainage Include:

  • Constipation
  • Digestive issues
  • Skin issues (acne, rashes, eczema, etc.)
  • Bloating
  • Stinky gas
  • Intestinal cramps and pain
  • Hard abdomen (particularly in the area of your colon)
  • Not pooping everyday
  • Not having full relieving bowel movements

(8, 11)

How To Open/Support Colon Drainage:

  • Stay hydrated (plenty of water + minerals)
    • Example of hydrating drinks + foods: add a pinch of quality mineral salt to your water (this is my go to, I do this with nearly all the water I drink), coconut water, aloe juice, fruit juice or fruit (be sure to have with protein to balance blood sugar), bone broth, and milk.
  • Have a routine (Try to go around the same time every morning. Pick a time when you can relax (so not 10 minutes before you have to rush off to work!) and sit on the toilet around that time every morning for 10-15 mins, regardless of if you have to go or not. Feel free to read or go one your phone during this time as it often makes it easier to relax. Eventually, it will start to become a habit and you can listen to your body over the clock).
  • Sit in a squat like position where your knees are above your hips and your legs are wide. This may sound strange, but it helps align your intestines properly and makes it easier to go. Think about how you’d go out in nature after all.
  • Avoid gut harming foods like processed foods and improperly prepared grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds
  • Find your fiber sweet spot (not too much or too little) (for more info on fiber check out this article)
  • Manage stress
  • Exercise and move your body
  • Increase magnesium consumption
  • Coffee enemas (instructions here) or other enemas
  • Colonics
  • Bowel moving herbal supplements (use conservatively to avoid dependence)
    • My bowel moving herbal formula:
      • 1 part softening agent – slippery elm, licorice, or sarsaparilla1 part motility agent- cascara sagrada or triphala
      • 1 part digestive supporting herb- ginger
      • Combine all 3 herbs in a jar and mix well. Take 1-2 tsp in water at night (before bed and away from a meal)
      • Also take a bulking agent separately- 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds or psyllium seeds in warm water at night (before bed and away from a meal)

(8, 11)

Liver And Bile Duct Drainage

The next drainage pathway to work on is your liver and bile ducts. Your liver has over 500 functions, needless to say it’s very important! (8) And 1 in 3 Americans has a liver that doesn’t work properly so focusing on liver drainage is very important for many people. (8) Liver drainage is commonly improved by increasing bile flow that’s part of why this pathway includes bile ducts.

Symptoms of Blocked/Inhibited Liver And Bile Ducts Drainage Include:

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Greasy pale stools
  • Low energy + brain fog
  • Poor memory and cognitive ability
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the gallbladder area
  • Skin issues (acne, rashes, eczema, etc.)
  • Poor immunity
  • Weight gain
  • Digestive issues + constipation
  • Frustration and anger
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • PCOS, PMS, painful irregular periods
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Inability to tolerate alcohol or caffeine

(8, 11)

How To Open/Support Liver And Bile Ducts Drainage:

  • Eat animal fat (if you currently have a low intake, increase gradually)
  • Drink water (hot or cold) with lemon or apple cider vinegar
  • Reduce toxin exposure
  • Limit or eliminate alcohol and tobacco
  • Eat a very nutrient rich diet (liver detoxification requires a long list of nutrients in order to function)
  • Eat liver
  • Make and drink GAPS shakes
    • Ingredients:
      • Juice from 1 carrot, 2-3 apples (or an equal amount pineapple), 1 stick celery, a small wedge of beet root, a small piece of cabbage, and optional a little lemon or greens
      • 1-2 raw egg
      • 4-5 tbsp homemade raw sour cream (See Level 3 diet recipes doc. in diet module) (or raw butter, ghee, animal fat, olive oil, or coconut oil)
      • Cod liver oil (optional)
    • Recipe:
      • Blend in a blender or whisk by hand.
      • Drink in the morning and or/ in the afternoon on an empty stomach. Starting with a small amount and working your way up to 1 glass, then 2 glasses a day.
      • If you have bile stones I recommend having this shake 2x a day till the stones are gone and fat digestion is restored.
  • Drink liver detox tea
    • Traditional Medicinals and Yogi Tea both make a good one
    • Or you can make your own using this recipe
  • Take ox bile (once you can tolerate a good amount of animal fat at each meal, wean off). Ancestral Supplements has a great supplement called “Grass Fed Gallbladder (w/ Ox Bile and Liver)”
  • Include some fiber and bitter greens in your diet (if tolerated)
  • Castor oil packs
  • Take binders (like activated charcoal, spirulina, chlorella, or CellCore’s BioToxin Binder) (take away from meals and any other supplements)
  • Coffee enemas (instructions here)
  • Fat loss (in a healthy way when your body’s ready)

(8, 11)

Lymphatic Drainage

Your lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system made up of nodes (or glands) and vessels that carry lymph (a fluid that contains white blood cells) throughout the body.

Your lymphatic system is crucial for immune function and the removal of waste and toxins. Unlike your cardiovascular system, your lymphatic system does not have a pump to keep it flowing. It relies on your movement, hot and cold exposure, sweating, and dry brushing to keep it flowing optimally. (8, 11, 12)

Symptoms of Blocked/Inhibited Lymphatic System Drainage Include:

  • Skin Issues (acne, rashes, eczema, etc.)
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Body odor
  • Poor circulation
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Swelling in ankles, hands, and feet
  • Weight gain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Cellulite
  • Headaches + sore neck
  • Brain fog
  • Get sick often

(8, 11)

How To Open/Support Lymphatic System Drainage:

  • Deep breathing
  • Avoid wearing clothes with tight elastic, underwire bras, and other tight clothing
  • Exercise + move your body (especially jumping and sudden impactful movements)
  • Hot and cold showers and exposure
  • Sweating
  • Dry brushing (instructions here)
  • Epsom salt baths (instructions here)
  • Lymphatic massage
  • Gua sha
  • Regular and infrared saunas

(8, 11)

Organ And Tissue Drainage

The next pathway to work on is organs and tissues. The brain is one of the biggest focuses of this pathway. The lymphatic system doesn’t flow through your brain, instead your brain clears cellular wastes and fluids through the glymphatic system which then drains into the lymphatic system and continues through the funnel. (11)

The glymphatic system works to remove waste when you are sleeping so getting adequate quality sleep is one of the best things you can do to support organ and tissue drainage.

Symptoms of Blocked/Inhibited Organ And Tissue Drainage Include:

  • Brain fog
  • Poor sleep
  • Body odor
  • Headaches
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Mood swings
  • Food allergies
  • Memory issues
  • Food sensitivities
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Organ dysfunction or disease

(8, 11)

How To Open/Support Organ And Tissue Drainage:

  • Get adequate quality sleep
  • Sweating
  • Take binders
  • Epsom salt baths (instructions here)
  • Sauna


Cellular Drainage

The last pathway is cellular drainage. Your mitochondria play a large role in this pathway. They generate the energy needed to support detoxification, play a role in immune defense, and aid in DNA repair. (13)

Symptoms of Blocked/Inhibited Cell Drainage Include:

  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Muscle weakness
  • Heart, liver, or kidney disease or dysfunction
  • Decreased immunity

(11, 13)

How To Open/Support Cell Drainage:

  • Get sun
  • Eat a nutrient dense diet
  • Red light therapy

(11, 13)

Step 3: Opening Your Drainage Pathways

Start at the bottom of the funnel with the colon. If you have any of the symptoms of a clogged colon, work on opening this and make sure you’re pooping daily before moving on. Start by picking 1- 3 of the methods to open/support colon drainage, you can add more with time if you wish.

Also note that the order of the list of ways to support/open each drainage pathway are listed from easier/milder methods to more intensive methods. If you need more help with this pathway you may want to pick some more intensive methods. While the easier/milder methods are good simple things you can do year round to support detoxification. I can also assist you in picking things that will best support you and work with your lifestyle!

Now back to opening your colon drainage, when you’re pooping daily and have minimal to none of the other blocked colon symptoms, you can move onto liver and bile duct drainage. Again, if you have any of the symptoms of block liver and bile duct drainage, pick 1-3 of the methods to open/support colon drainage to add to your detoxing routine (continue to do at least 1 thing to support your colon drainage).

Once you have minimal to none of the blocked liver and bile duct symptoms, you can move onto lymph drainage. And I think you get the pattern, once a drainage pathway is clear you move onto the next one. After lymph do this for organs and tissues and then cells.

Use the symptom lists above as a guide to help tell if your drainage pathways are open or inhibited. If you are unsure, I recommend incorporating at least one of the methods to open that pathways for at least a week.

Here’s an example of what this might look like: (By the way Jane is a made up person and this is a hypothetical scenario)

  1. Jane’s colon drainage is blocked since she has an average of 4 bowel movements a week as well as frequent bloating and gas. She decides to take magnesium supplements at night; decrease fiber in her diet by cutting out grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds; and she incorporates weekly coffee enemas. After 4 weeks, Jane’s bloating and gas have significantly decreased and she now has a complete bowel movement ever day for the past 10 days so she moves onto liver drainage.
  2. Jane gets headaches and energy crashes almost every afternoon, sometimes her stools are pale and greasy, she thinks she has difficulty digesting fat, she gets nauseous often, and has pain in the upper right quadrant of her stomach (near her gallbladder) very often. All of these indicate blocked/inhibited liver and bile duct drainage so she decides to work on it. She keeps up with her colon drainage routine (the coffee enemas help with liver detox too!) and she adds in GAPS shakes starting with 1/2 a shake and gradually increasing to 2 a day. She starts slowly increasing her animal fat intake and taking ox bile + liver + gallbladder supplements with each meal. Her symptoms improve greatly in 4 weeks. She notices that for the past 10 days she hasn’t gotten practically no nausea, pale greasy stools, energy crashes, headaches, and pain. She still having daily bowel movements and feels she is digesting fat very well so she begins to ease off the ox bile supplements and moves on to addressing lymphatic drainage.
  3. Jane believes her lymph could use some help because she has stinky body odor, is holding onto about 10 extra pounds, and gets cold hands and feet. Jane already does hot and cold showers and exercises 4x a week, which support lymphatic drainage, so she decides to just add one more thing to her routine: sweating by laying out in the sun midday for 20 mins 5x a week (it’s summer and around 100 degrees Fahrenheit so she gets a good sweat from this). After about 3 weeks she notices that her sweat no longer smells and she’s lost 3 lbs so she moves on.
  4. Jane is unsure whether her organs and tissue drainage is open. The only symptoms she had where headaches, brain fog, body odor, and in ability to lose weight, but those have been resolved. She’s already supporting this pathway by getting 8 1/2 hrs of sleep a night and sweating regular. She concludes that her’s is not inhibited so she decides to jump to cellular drainage.
  5. Again Jane has no symptoms cellular drainage and she’s already supporting this pathway by getting sun regularly and eating a nutrient dense diet so she doesn’t feel the need to add anything.
  6. After all of Jane has already seen a massive decrease in her previous symptoms (in fact they’re almost all gone). She decides to keep up her current detox routine for another month and then switches to a simplified routine for the long run. (I’ll discuss how to create a routine like this in the next section).

Step 4: Creating A Customized Regular Detoxing Routine

Now that you’ve opened up your drainage pathways, you want to create a routine to continue to support the function and flow of all of your drainage pathways. This will help your body to regularly detox on its own.

I recommend including at least 1 method for each drainage pathway. If any of the pathways are more problematic for you (get clogged easier), you may want to spend more attention on those ones.

Since this is a long term routine, you want to keep it more mild and simple. And of course you can always adjust your routine with time, based on what’s working best for you and what you may want some additional help with.

Here’s An Example:

  • Dry brushing 3x a week
  • Hot showers 2x a week
  • 2 minute cold showers 1x a day
  • Exercise 5x a week
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water with a pinch of quality salt
  • Decrease toxin exposure (minimize plastic use, buy or make clean beauty and cleaning products, buy organic food, and use a water filter)
  • Sleep at least 8 1/2 hrs a night
  • Sweating by laying in the sun to read for 20-60 mins 5x a week
  • Don’t wear tight clothes
  • Eat half a raw carrot most days (to draw out and eliminate environmental toxins and excess estrogen in the gut)
  • Eat a nutrient dense nose to tail diet
  • Occasionally throw in additional things like drinking liver detox tea, epsom salt baths, and coffee enemas.

I want to emphasize that a lot of these things influence many other areas of your health aside from just supporting detox/drainage pathways. Things like exercise, sleep, eating a nutrient dense diet, and more. I did this on purpose because I want each thing I do in my day to day health routine to have a large impact, that way I can keep my routine minimal, yet effective.

Step 5: Incorporate Deep Cleanses 2x A Year (Optional)

I suggest doing deep cleanses about 2x a year for about 2-3 weeks. This is not a fixed number, but rather a suggestion to emphasize the importance of taking breaks from intense cleansing. As always do what feels best for you.

If you are new to cleansing and have a lot of stored toxins or parasites, you may want to start with a longer deep cleanse (≈1-3 months) to help rid the body of all the stored toxins and parasites that have accumulated over a long time.

During Deeper Cleanses I Recommend You Do Some (Or All) Of The Following:

  • Parasite Cleansing (explained below)
  • Weekly or Biweekly Coffee Enemas
  • Daily Liver Detox Tea
  • Incorporating More Of the Methods For Supporting The Drainage Pathways Or Increasing The Frequency (listed in drainage pathway section under each pathway)
  • Eating A Cleanse Supporting Diet (explained below)
  • Intermittent Fasting (eating within an 8 hr window and fasting for 16 hrs)
  • Doing Something Like Journaling To Work Through The Emotions That Are Often Brought Up During Cleansing
  • Oil Massages
  • Avoiding Excess Stimulus When Possible (Ex: TV, most music, cities, and stress)

About Parasites And Parasite Cleansing

(These are the parasite cleansing supplements I use from Cellcore Biosciences)

You might be wondering why I’m talking about parasite cleansing. People just get parasites when they travel to 3rd world countries, right?

Nope, wrong! Parasites are extremely common and it’s estimated that around 70% of people have them! (8, 9, 10)

There are 1000s of different types of parasites, some are microscopic and some are larger. Most are tiny or microscopic when they enter your body, but after feeding on your food for a while they grow larger. They can be anywhere from microscopic to several feet long, however parasites longer than a foot or 2 are quite rare.

Parasites can be in any tissue or organ in your body (including the gut, liver, brain, uterus, vagina, spleen, lungs, heart, lymph, gallbladder, skin, nervous system, blood, muscles, eyes, and more). (8, 9, 10)

Parasites eat some of our food and nutrients and can cause nutrient deficiencies. They also love sugar and can increase your sweet cravings in order to get the food they love.

Parasites act like toxic sponges, they absorb heavy metals, pesticides, mold toxins (aka mycotoxins), viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. This makes it especially important to have your drainage pathways open and to use good supplements when parasite cleansing, otherwise the parasites may break open and release heavy metals and toxins into the body giving you a HERX reaction (headache, flu-like symptoms, itching and rashes, and flushes). Parasites can also cause sleep issues, gut issues, and other health problems. (8, 9, 10)

You can get parasites from food (both meat and veggies), the dirt you touch, walking barefoot, pets licking your face, swimming in lakes and rivers, drinking water (even tap water), and coming into contact with feces. (8, 9, 10)

I don’t say this to make you afraid of doing these things, especially because many of them are quite important, but rather to show you that being exposed to parasites is practically inevitable.

There are however, things we can do to decrease the number of parasites that stay to hang out in our bodies and to flush out the ones that do stay.

1) We can increase our gut health and heal leaky gut. This prevents parasites from nestling into crevasses in the gut or slipping between the gut lining and traveling to other organs and tissues. A smooth tight healthy gut wall will help more parasites be passed in the stoles as soon as they enter the body.

2) We can also improve our immunity. Healing our gut and leaky gut should help with autoimmune issues. Also avoiding vegetable oils, lectins, and other inflammatory things will help lower the burden on the immune system. This frees up the immune system to focus on getting rid of pathogens and parasites.

3) And finally we can do parasite cleansing. Parasite cleansing has been an important part of many cultures throughout history, though it has become far less common in recent times. Parasite cleansing typically involves opening drainage pathways and using herbal supplements to kill off parasites.

Cellcore Biosciences has excellent parasite cleansing herbal supplements. However you must work with a practitioner to buy Cellcore products. I got mine through Healing Cave Lady. She has tons of awesome videos to walk you through the cleansing process and has a private Instagram cleansing group.

It’s best to do your parasite cleansing during the full moon because parasites are more active then and are thus easier to remove. During the full moon, melatonin is decreased in the body. Melatonin plays an important role in fighting off critters, so when levels are down parasites take advantage and often travel to the gut to look for food. (9)

Seratonin is also decreased during the full moon and low serotonin levels paralyze parasites. The combination of parasites moving to the gut and then getting paralyzed makes them easier to remove during the full moon. (9)

I previously said that about 70% of people have parasites, but how do you know if you are in that 70%? Well some people do stool testing but that’s pretty inaccurate and often doesn’t pick up on parasites (especially the microscopic ones).

Given that parasites spend so much effort to avoid detection from our immune system (by doing things like shedding their skin, hiding in biofilms, and waiting to grow and move until your immune system is distracted) this isn’t too surprising.

If that doesn’t work, what does?

Honestly I think the best way to tell is to start working on drainage pathways and then some parasite cleansing. Then, as gross as this may sound, sift through your stools to look for them. If you find them you have them, if not then you may or may not have them. (@nutritionfortheppl has a great saved Instagram story showing parasite pictures if you wanna see what they look like.)

It should be noted that when cleansing, sifting through your stools is entirely optional. The whole point of cleansing is to improve your health and feel better so as long as that’s happening you’re on the right path.

Also practically everyone can benefit from cleansing and detoxing. So even if you don’t have parasites, you likely have some toxins (heavy metals, endocrine disruptors, candida, bacteria, chemicals, pesticides, etc.) that would be better out than in. In modern society it’s nearly impossible to avoid toxins so regular detoxing becomes very important to avoid toxin overload.

Another indicator that you may have parasites is if you have many of the following symptoms. Now these are common symptoms with many possible causes, but if you’ve already focused on improving your diet, exercise habits, gut health, and overall health, yet still have these symptoms, parasites may be the cause.

Especially if these symptoms increase around the full moon when parasites are more active.


  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Weight loss
  • Acne
  • Reassuring yeast or fungal infections
  • Teeth grinding (especially at night)
  • Sweet cravings
  • Bloating
  • Constipation/diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Itchy anus/genitals
  • Insomnia
  • Anemia
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Poor tolerance to stress or illness
  • Depression/anxiety

(8, 9, 10)

What Is A Cleanse Supporting Diet

(Recipe Available Here)

The goal with a cleanse supporting diet is to give your digestion a break by eating easy to digest foods and to give your gut a chance to heal by eliminating foods that are hard on the gut. In a cleanse supporting diet you:

  • Eat simple
  • Eat well cooked food and avoid raw foods
  • Drink lots of bone broth
  • Limit all sugars
  • Eat soups
  • No gluten
  • No alcohol
  • Practice intermittent fasting
  • No snacking
  • No processed foods
  • Optional avoid grains (except white rice and oats are fine), legumes (except well cooked lentils are fine), nuts, and seeds

This is a great starting point, but feel free to customize this diet based on what works best for you.

To Recap

Now that you understand why detoxing and cleansing is important and how to do it, here’s an overview of what to do now to incorporate cleansing and detoxing into your life:

  1. Open your drainage pathways starting with your colon
  2. Create a customized regular detoxing routine
  3. Incorporate deep cleanses 2-4x a year

Good luck on your detox and cleansing journey!

* If you’re interested in learning more about if detoxing is right for you and how to set up a customized detoxing routine, then sign up for a free 15 minute call with me and I’ll help you figure that out! Click here to schedule your free call!

Works Cited

1. Lauren. “Xenoestrogens.” Innate Functional Nutritionist. Accessed 10 June 2021.

2. Julia. “Endocrine Disruptors Damage Your Hormonal Balance.” Julia’s Wellness Tips. 25 April 2020.

3. Kubala, Jillian. “How Your Diet Can Affect Estrogen Levels.” Healthline. 30 November 2020.

4. “Xenoestrogens and their Harmful Effects.” Healthy Focus. Accessed 10 June 2021.

5. Hayes TB, Khoury V, Narayan A, Nazir M, Park A, Brown T, Adame L, Chan E, Buchholz D, Stueve T, Gallipeau S. Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 9;107(10):4612-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0909519107. Epub 2010 Mar 1. PMID: 20194757; PMCID: PMC2842049.

6. Shanahan, Catherine. Deep Nutrition. New York: Flat Iron Books. 2016. Print.

7. Shanahan, Catherine. The Fatburn Fix. Flatiron Books, March 2020, NY.

8. Katja. Savory Lotus. Accessed 10 June 2021.

9. Mary. Healing Cave Lady. Accessed 10 June 2021.

10. Johnson, Sarah. Nutrionfortheppl. Accessed 10 June 2021.

11. Dr. Todd Watts and Dr. Jay Davidson. “Drainage 101: Why It’s the First Step in Your Detox Journey.” Detox Learning Center. 30 December 2019.

12. “Lymphatic System.” The Free Dictionary. Accessed 10 June 2021.

13. Dr. Todd Watts and Dr. Jay Davidson. “What Damages Your Mitochondria? (And How Fixing Them Boosts Energy).” Detox Learning Center. 22 April 2019.