How To Support Your Nervous System And Get Out Of Fight Or Flight In Order To Digest Your Food Properly

Stress inhibits digestion on a physiological level. It inhibits: Stress may also cause a decrease in blood flow and oxygen to the stomach, which could lead to cramping, inflammation, or an imbalance of gut bacteria. That’s why it’s so important to be relaxed and…

Why Is Bone Broth One Of The Best Gut Healing Foods?

Bone broth is one of the most effective gut healing foods out there. Its gut healing properties are thanks to the high content of collagen and the amino acid glycine. Collagen helps the digestive system in many ways. Firstly, it attracts more digestive juices,…

5 Ways To Determine The Truth When Facing Conflicting Nutrition Advice

One of the hardest parts about being healthy, is navigating contradictory nutrition and health advice. There is so much info available to us today that it can start to feel incredibly overwhelming as you reach contradiction after contraction after contradiction! Some people say to…

Healthy Food Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive!

Eating healthy has a reputation for being very expensive and I can see why. When you walk into your local health food store and start looking at prices for grass fed steak, raw dairy, pasture raised eggs, fermented veggies, bone broth, and other nutritious…

How To Balance The Effects Of Summer

As the days grow longer and warmer, the wheel of the year turns to Litha (the solstice) and summer is upon us. It’s a time of warmth, sun, light, happiness, and adventure! More people and animals alike are drawn out. Mountains and lands that…

Diet To Heal IBS

Diet isn’t the only thing to address when healing your digestive and gut issues, however it’s a necessary (and one of the most important) parts of the healing process! With IBS, we typical see an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, sluggish digestion, and damage to…

Why Are Gut Issues So Common Now A Days?

Do you or anyone you know struggle with any of the following: I’m willing to bet the answer is yes! In fact you probably know a lot of people that struggle with these. And if you haven’t guessed already, every single one of those…

The 4 Biggest Things You Can Do Now To Prevent Disease And Health Problems As You Age

It’s not normal to get cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, strokes, glaucoma, hip fractures, lose your teeth, and require more and more doctor visits as you age! While these are commonly portrayed as things that just happen as you get older, they don’t have…

How To Balance The Effects Of Spring

Spring is a time of cleansing, rebirth, and regeneration. As the days grow warmer and longer, the snow melts away, the rivers flow faster, and the animals come out of hibernation. Gentle rains soak the land, bright green grass and yellow flowers pop up…


If you seem to have a harder time digesting meat or feel that it’s not working quite right for your body, then this article is for you! First of all it’s important to realize that meat is not the problem! Rather this is merely…